Is “Spiritual Entrepreneur” an Oxymoron?

old-paradigm-blue Are you a spiritual entrepreneur? Or are you moving towards becoming one?

“Spiritual entrepreneur”: is a term I’ve used for myself for years – and for most of my clients, friends and colleagues. In fact, that’s my tribe.

Yet for a while I’ve felt that the term is a misnomer, even an oxymoron.

Why do I say that?

Well, what is an entrepreneur?

A true entrepreneur is someone who loves the game of creating businesses, loves finding a need in the market and filling it, loves taking risks, competing, and striving for success. They find all of that motivating and exhilarating.

We “spiritual entrepreneurs,” on the other hand, are people with a soul-inspired your-corner-of-realitypassion, a purpose, a gift, an inner calling, who want to create a business using our gifts so that we can devote ourselves to that passion. We’re generally not very motivated by money, not very ambitious, don’t like competing, are not that comfortable with business itself. We just want to give our gifts and make a difference.

Until recently we were never called entrepreneurs. We were in private practice, were self-employed, had a career. Attaching the term “entrepreneur” to healers, intuitives and artists is a 21st century phenomenon.

I think this may be one of the reasons we struggle with success – and with our own self-worth and confidence.

We need another context for understanding our role in the world, our relationship to money and success, and how we can thrive.

Join me on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 2 pm PT, 5 pm ET for a FREE WEBINAR in which we’ll explore these issues, and how we can learn to live in True Abundance as who we are!

Go here to register:

By the way, can you help me come up with a better term? How about soul-inspired business creator? Any takers?

I’m looking forward to being with you on Thursday! (By the way, there WILL be a recording, so register even if you can’t make it live.)

p.s. If you have friends who are spiritual entrepreneurs struggling with success and self-confidence, let them know about this. Thanks!

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