Akashic Records on Intense Energies

I asked the guides of the Akashic Records to speak about the current energies inundating our planet. This is what they said:

Greetings, dear ones.

These are indeed wild and wooly times for residents of planet Earth. It may sometimes feel like you’re riding a bucking bronco, and at other times like you’ve fallen into a pit that you can’t get out of. 

This is the nature of the powerful transformative forces churning up the old so that it may more easily be regurgitated and released. For cleansing is needed before the ground is fully ready to be planted with brand new life. You must till the ground and remove the rocks and that does take time and effort, as well as willing hands and feet.

That being said, you are all now on an adventure of freedom and power that you will look back upon with awe and gratitude. 

You are not alone – far from it. Citizens of Earth everywhere are comingling conscious intentions to invite and anchor in themselves the seedlings of a new growing world. And there are many, many – countless, in fact – beings on the other side of the physical plane who are equally involved in this magisterial  plan, who are lending  their energy in ways you may never comprehend.

So be not alarmed by any intensities, no matter how they may feel in the moment. All is well and all will be well ongoingly, now and forever. 

Learn to take the grander view. You are on a mission of love that far exceeds your own personal desires. There is a new world being born and you are its seeds!

Blessings upon you all. 

Intense energies, and New Moon Eclipse coming soon

Screen shot 2014-New Moon BlueI’m not an astrologer, but lately my attention has been captured by heavenly events. You may have heard this past week’s energies described as the most transformative since the 1960’s, the most extraordinary planetary configuration seen in decades, and the most significant event of 2014. Why is this?
Sandwiched between the famous “blood moon” lunar eclipse of April 15th (red because of the sun’s reflection) and a New Moon solar eclipse on April 29th –already a potent formula for change – we’ve had a rare and powerful configuration (a “Grand Cross”) of 4 planets representing change, transformation, disruption, expansion, new beginnings, and liberation. 
These energies are full of tension and pressure, so if you’ve been experiencing intense ups and downs, overwhelm, conflicts with self or others, plunges into previously hidden depths followed by high inspiration, a need to let go, turn everything over and start anew – you’re feeling the call of these forces to free yourself and step into a brand new reality. 
The peak has just passed but these energies will be with us for quite a while. In fact, this event is a potent contributor to the transformative forces at work in our world that will be changing everything. So hang in there, and see what it’s calling for you to let go of and step into. Trust, be willing to change, have the courage to let go of the old, and re-align with what your soul truly desires. 

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Screen shot 2014-New Moon, cloudsThat brings us to the New Moon happening next Tuesday, April 29th. Because eclipses and new moons are both times of change, new beginnings, and setting new patterns, this new moon will have extra energy and is a really important time to consider your direction and set intentions. 
 I’m experimenting this year by doing ritual on every new moon to plant the seeds of what feels appropriate to that particular moon’s astrological sign. 
Fortunately, the sign for this new moon is Taurus, representing stability and groundedness – something we definitely need right now! So all our innovative visions will be able to be planted in Taurus’ earth, and take root. 
THIS COMING NEW MOON: MondayTuesday April 28-29th, at 10:15 p.m. Pacific,1:15 a.m. Eastern, 5:15 a.m. GMT. (The eclipse will occur  one hour later.)
The areas to focus on when setting intentions for this new moon (regarding what you desire or want help with in any way) include:

  • Money – accumulation, possessions, financial independence and ease, developing confidence in earning and handling money; letting go of financial anxiety, unworthiness, and self-sabotage; 
  • Physical senses – sensuality, massage, physical comfort, pleasure; 
  • Enjoyment of Earthly life –  gratitude, appreciation, contentment, rapport with nature, feeling at home here;
  • Building solid foundations – persistence, perseverance, step-by-step progress, thoroughness and care; 
  • Reliability – patience, steadfastness, trustworthiness, dependability, keeping one’s word to self and others; 
  • Self-worth – living according to one’s values, feeling worthy of having your needs met and asking for that, setting boundaries, self-care, strength and determination, not needing external validation;
  • Combatting inflexibility – releasing stubbornness, resistance to change, attachment, possessiveness, stagnation;
  • Health concerns include throat, chin and neck; vocal cords and voice; thyroid gland, and coughs.
As you see, this is a great time to put the building of blocks of the new into place.

Here are some tips for how to use the New Moon energy to plant effective wishes/ intentions/ visions:

1. Write them by hand. (You might want to keep a New Moon Magic journal – that’s what I’m doing. Or you could write them on cards and keep them in a drawer.)

2. Choose more than one but no more than ten wishes or intentions (to activate but not dissipate the energy).

3. Wait until the actual New Moon time or 8 hours after (between 1:15 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. Eastern, on April 29th) or within 48 hours after that (through Thursday, May 1st around 1:15 a.m. ET). Let the wishes form and choose the ones that feel most harmonious and right to you at that time. 

4. In phrasing your intentions feel free to say “I choose, I intend, I create, I wish or want to experience, I request, I ask for, I call to me……” or any language that feels right to you.

5. Light a candle (optional). It’s been suggested that adding a prayer candle – maybe one of those tall ones in a jar – and letting it burn down would add focus to this ritual.

For the purposes of this “experiment,” keeping our written intentions where we can refer back to them later, to see which actually came true, is part of the point. That’s what makes it an experiment. It’s also fun to do this together.

Exciting news:  I have created a NEW MOON MAGIC FACEBOOK PAGE for sharing our New Moon Intentions. Please click on above link to join me there – and click “Join group” in upper right corner if you want to join. 

The energies in 2014 are intense, and not always easy – but they are supporting our transformation. This is one of the key transitional years and what we do in this time is very important. We are building something together, even though that may not always be evident. Trust, persistence and holding a high vision are powerful – and of course, gratitude, always.

Wishing you a rich and fertile building of the new in this New Moon!

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