The Epiphany That Changes Everything!

Image-Heaven:Earth2Do you ever feel like you don’t really belong here on Earth? I’ve felt like that most of my life. But I had an epiphany yesterday that changes everything!

Recently, as part of my preparation for stepping into my soul’s purpose in a bigger way, I have been engaging in some heavy-duty clearing of my own blocks. (Something I strongly recommend to everyone who longs to live their highest purpose.)

After several days of deep inner work, dredging the depths of my refusal to fully incarnate, my reluctance to take responsibility for my physical existence, to fully show up, give my gifts and do what I came here to do….

…I heard in my inner consciousness a phrase and realization that changes everything: Dual Citizenship!

And I heard myself saying: “I declare myself a dual citizen of Heaven and Earth! I accept dual citizenship!”

What I now see is that in order to bridge Heaven and Earth – the work we are here to do in this moment of history – we must hold dual citizenship and reside in both worlds equally. When we go back and forth, entering one zone often means losing the other. I have continually lost touch with practical reality when spending a lot of time in meditation, and have lost all sense of my spiritual connection when I got hunkered down in “regular life.”

Furthermore, to do our Sacred Work we must learn to stand fully in our power. But how can we do that if we’re not willing to really be here? It’s impossible. (Do you know what I mean?)

In my history this dilemma showed up early when, as a youngster, I was told by my parents and society that I had to choose. I had to accept the way things are, get a “real job” and be a “responsible citizen” – or be doomed to a fairly marginal existence without much power.

There was only one choice I could make – I chose Heaven.

What that meant was I lived as an artist and spiritual seeker not solidly rooted in the world of daily responsibility and getting by in pretty sketchy ways.

Actually, I lived much of my life frozen in a state of perpetual childhood because I refused to grow up. As a result, I gave up my right to participate fully in the world as an equal. I watched from the sidelines while others participated, burdened by the gifts I couldn’t give. That was the price of seeking escape from the harsher densities of Earth.

In recent years I’ve stepped more and more into the world, as the call to live my purpose and give my gifts has grown increasingly powerful. Yet still, as I did my clearing, I found remaining strands of fear, unwillingness, and doubt that I really belonged here. I was still holding back.

Until finally the revelation came – I can claim dual citizenship and live in both worlds at the same time. I can allow my soul to inhabit my body fully, and open wide the container for what wants to come through, rooted in Earth and open to Heaven.

I can now take a stand for all those seeking safe harbor in this most exquisite and fragile of worlds that divides body from spirit and love from survival.

I can do my best to help lift the energies and to heal what is split, so that all may freely live in both worlds at once. So that all may claim dual citizenship in Heaven and Earth.

Will you join me?

I’d love to hear from you about how these thoughts affect you. Do you have some of the same issues? If you do and would like help thinking them through … or if you’d like to know more about the powerful clearing tool I’ve been using and how you can benefit from it too  – please contact me!

What if your fear isn’t really yours?

I’m working on some themes around how to deal with fear.  This is part 1 – having to do with the idea of Collective Consciousness as a source of much of our fear.

With all the influx of intense new energies, deluge of information, instability of our familiar institutions and uncertainty of the future – to say nothing of the financial shakiness many are experiencing now – there’s a lot of fear and anxiety going around.

This week I’m starting a series of messages on the topic of fear, because it’s been up for me and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.

Here’s one radical conclusion I’ve come to: Most of the fear we experience is not really ours. It doesn’t even belong to us.

I know because I speak to lots of people – and because I’m not immune to it myself.We live in a sea of collective consciousness – though few of us realize that. And that field of consciousness is like a blanket surrounding the planet made up of accumulated energies and thought forms, mostly having to do with fear and discord.

It’s kind of like Eckhart Tolle’s concept of the Pain Body, but on a planetary scale.

We are influenced by it, of course through the media and those we talk to. And we’re influenced by it energetically – just as we in turn can have a positive influence on that collective field every time we raise our own consciousness.

But it is important to know that not everything we’re feeling is really ours. We tend to take it very personally, and this compounds our suffering.

Also, there are ways to deliberately disconnect from the collective thought field. This form of “mental hygiene” is as important as washing your hands when you’ve been out in public touching doorknobs and handrails.

I’ve gotten in the habit of noticing when that happens and protecting myself from germs. Lately I’ve also started to tell those collective thought forms to be gone, as well.

I talked about how I do that in last week’s Monday Morning Coffee. So if you want to know my method, you can listen to it right here.

Then make a habit of listening to the show every Monday by connecting HERE.

Will Women Save the World?

Today, Mar 8th, is International Women’s Day!

This got me thinking about the role of women in global transformation, and why women are so essential to creating a new reality on Earth.

Some of you know that the Dalai Lama said “The world will be saved by the Western woman.” (Yes, it’s true – he said that at the Vancouver Peace Conference in Sept., 2009.)

I don’t know what he had in mind, but I’ll tell you what think.

At this momentous time in history many souls have been born with a time-release capsule deep within our soul, programmed to go off, telling us “I must do something more with my life.. .the world needs me, how can I help?” 

Many women in particular have this time release going off now.

I believe that those of us born female chose this birth because we could contribute something desperately needed now, that is natural to women.

You may have heard that little girls are instinctively drawn to bonding and connection, while little boys lean towards individuation and competing. We’re actually hard-wired this way,it’s not just how we’re trained. 

Well, that’s just what the world needs if we are to survive:more bonding and connecting, and less separation and competing. This is what the “new paradigm” is all about.

That’s why it’s time for the female perspective to gain ascendancy: These innately female values are  actually needed for the survival of the species!

It’s time for humanity to reverse its priorities:

  • from short term gain to sustainability,
  • from wealth to life,
  • from competition, dominance, and the love of power to cooperation, collaboration, and the power of love.

From “me or you” to “me and you.”

And why is it the Western woman who will save the world?Third World women are making incredible advances too. But it’s the Western woman who, for the first time in history, has the education, affluence, and opportunity required to have real impact on the global stage.

We women finally have the freedom to develop our brilliance, creativity, and power, our genius and spirituality.

I don’t think it’s an accident that all these influences are converging – the urgent need of the world, a spiritual influx of energies, and the maturation of the Western woman.

I believe there is a force that is helping us to not just survive but thrive, and ascend to a higher level of consciousness.

You know, that instinct for cooperation, collaboration, and benefiting the whole that is natural to women? That is also the way of Nature. And Nature has always been personified as female, as mother. The Earth and Nature embody that female principle.

I think we are being helped by cosmic and spiritual energies and by the consciousness of Earth herself.

Not only women, but also enlightened men are now looking through this unitive lens. (Take the Dalai Lama as one example.) The holistic view of reality is even starting to be embraced by science!

Because of all of these amazing shifts happening together, I have great hope that we can birth the new reality in time! But only if each and every one of us does our part!

Are you doing YOUR part?

What is YOUR role in global transformation? I know you have one!


The Light is Growing

I see a great light gathering in the world, even though it also brings with it shadows of darkness. We should not be deceived by those shadows. They are only the inevitable flushings out of the old as the new comes in with ever greater force.

I embrace each of you with the desire and wish that YOUR light be awakened ever more strongly as you reach up to become all that you truly are.

In this New Age of Light that is emerging through all of us together, you have the opportunity to experience the joy and fulfillment that is your birthright.

Know that you are entitled to complete joy and perfect fulfillment of your soul’s longing. In fact, this is the time that you were born for, and the stage is set to help you achieve your purpose in greater and more beautiful ways than you can even imagine.

A door has opened that you can walk through to greater empowerment and self-awakening. This is a truly joyous moment in the world’s history!

Please follow the urging of your soul and follow in whatever direction you feel drawn, or called. 

Take steps. Do that thing you have been waiting to do. Don’t put it off any longer!

Now is the time and you will find hands reaching out to help you as soon as you set foot upon your path.

I am also ready to help you if you should so desire (please see below for more information).

I hope you say YES to yourself, and to the blessing you are here to impart.