On Thanksgiving Day I asked my Guides what we should be thankful for.
This is what they said:
Dear ones – we hear your open hearted concern.
It is the nature of humanity to be grateful. It is the innate purpose of life on Earth to bless you and for the Earth to bless you and for you to bless each other.
This is the design and pattern of Earthly life.
So much to be tasted, experienced, enjoyed through the senses, so much to be shared and loved and received in the emotions. And so much to be discovered, to be explored, to be created through the mind.
The physical – mental- emotional life on Earth is a gift.
You must recognize that.
You are a gift .. and for that we are grateful.
You are not seeing the taking away of gifts now, although some of you fear that.
You are not seeing the demise of what is beautiful on Earth.. not yet, not inevitably, and not inexorably.
All is not lost.. for you are here.
All is not past… but hovers in the dream of the future that you sing into being.
Song is the vibration of creation. The voice of the Mother echoes through your lips as you pray, as you give thanks, as you express your love, your purpose, your conscious intention to grow in wisdom, power, and love.
You are made in the Divine Design.
All are welcome to participate in this feast of life.
None are excluded.
You are the wise ones who have come to the birthday party bearing gifts.. and we give thanks for you. For there is a birth coming on the horizon and you are here for that purpose.
Never fear, the horizon glows with new light and arrival.
It is not too late, the dawn is barely starting.
You who are here on Earth at this time are receiving your instructions to awaken, and to step into the big shoes that have been waiting for you.
Yes, encourage each other so that you share the journey.
It is not too late, you are right on time.
We give thanks that you made the choices you did, to share in this wondrous moment and the times to come.
Do not be deceived by appearances. You are much more than you believe yourselves to be. And this moment in the world’s turning is not all it may appear to you to be.
Now is the time of witnessing the emergence of the true dimension of humanity as you give birth to your true knowing, your true love, your true awareness, your devoted hearts, your great courage, your purpose, your blazing light.
It shines ion the horizon and we see it.
Thank you.