In 2009 the Dalai Lama declared that the world will be saved by the Western woman.
I think I understand what he meant by that and love that he said it.
But I believe he left out one word: midlife.
I believe that midlife women are a force to be reckoned with. I believe that midlife women who are being called to graduate to the next level of our evolution are part of the force that can transform the world.
I call that force Wise Women Waking.
Actually, Wise Women Waking is a convergence of three powerful forces.
1. The first powerful force is the choice point, the turning point, that humanity is at right now.
Which direction will we go in? Will we continue to head towards destruction and perhaps make our world uninhabitable? Or will we achieve the great evolutionary leap towards a higher level of consciousness that will transform our world and our species? Will we be able to raise ourselves up towards our highest potential and create the world we all long for?
The great amount of awakening happening all over the globe today points to how quickly human evolution is accelerating. And every Wise Woman Waking is part of that movement.
2. The second powerful force is the return of the Feminine, the Divine Feminine principle, to the Earth.
A great part of the current awakening is the resurgence of the feminine principle that has been suppressed for so long, to the detriment of life on Earth. The qualities of the feminine are needed to bring our world into balance and harmony and to restore priority to life, love, and inter-dependence, over power, fear, and domination.
Part of the Divine Feminine that is not always mentioned is the Wise Woman archetype, the energy of the mature female. This essence is embodied by every Wise Woman with years of experience, wisdom, and passionate purpose ready to harvest in the service of life.
We who are Wise Women Waking are part of the resurgence of the Feminine.
3. Finally, the third powerful force is the individual soul of each and every Wise Woman who is feeling called to contribute, called to awaken, called to remember who she is and why she is here at this time. The awakening soul is a huge source of power, love, and wisdom ready to erupt into our world with action, energy, voice, and presence.
As each woman feels the call of her soul to explore and discover her potentials, to be, do, and give more of her true self, to join with the forces of transformation, and to add her personal thread of light to the new reality being woven .. the ripple effect spreads out exponentially. It is time for us to remember who we are on the highest level and to discover that a time of great fulfillment is awaiting us as we step forward and say yes to it.
Not only is it not too late, but this is our time to bloom!
I invite all Wise Women Waking to join this movement, this gathering momentum for transformation in the world, and in the process to discover a joy, power, and energy that you may not have even guessed at before.
Women in midlife and beyond can be an army of light, of conscious intention, and of practical and subtle wisdom to help heal the world. The power lies within each and every one of us when we hear the call…. and answer it.
Within each one of us lies enormous potential power and creativity waiting to be unleashed. We are a force to be reckoned with!
(To receive my “Wise Woman Waking (Wo)Manifesto” and more inspiration on this topic, please click HERE.)