Welcome to 2022! On the one hand, New Year’s is an arbitrary division in the flow of our days. On the other hand, it’s a collective agreement to turn a new page and imagine a new start. Like all new years, this one feels significant to me. I’m aware of how much stress we have all been under for these strange intense years, although the causes are multifold – you can pick your stress and I’ll pick mine. For the last while I’ve been writing about Divine Partnership and Empowered Prayer and this seems an opportune time to offer … Continue reading
Today is marked in our calendars as Christmas, the Christ-mass, celebrating the birth of oneness, in a single body, of the human and the divine. That sounds a lot like you – and each one of us. For each and every human being combines those two realities – two realms we have been taught forever to believe are separate. We are each human and divine. What is a Christ, anyway? Christ – or Christed – means “anointed one.” With what are we each anointed if not with the grace of our true origin? Although raised in a secular Jewish … Continue reading
Recently I’ve been writing about my newfound passion for empowered prayer, and the living partnership with the Divine that is available to all. Unfortunately, for many people there are obstacles to experiencing this. In my last message I wrote about some barriers to prayer that a reader sent me. What I omitted is the greatest, most ubiquitous barrier not only to prayer, but to belief in the very possibility of a loving and powerful deity. This is, of course, what’s known as “the problem of evil.” I was called to account by a poignant email I received from a … Continue reading
A reader recently reached out to me, responding to my emails on prayer with this powerful statement: “I have begged and pleaded but haven’t yet found that voice of it *really* being ok to request, or even to be sure if my requests are ‘reasonable’ in the eyes of That which has No Name, Boundlessness herself…and yes feminising for the moment is helpful to me in decapitating the monster patriarchal “God” of the capital G, male, linear, … maybe that God is Patriarchy itself elevated to substitute and obscure the realm of the goddess.” Wow! Perhaps some of you can relate … Continue reading