Solar Eclipse – Huge Transformative Energies 3/8/16

Solar EclipseI’m no longer in the “new moon” business but I HAD to share with you what’s happening this week and this month. 

What’s happening today is a “super” new moon (when the moon is closest to the Earth) combined with a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (visible in places like East Asia and northern Australia, but affecting the entire globe).

It’s happening  on Tues/Wed, March 8/9 – at 5:54 pm PT, 8:54 pm ET/ 1:54 am GMT

You know that new moons signify new beginnings. Well, solar eclipses do so even more – much more. Especially this one! This might be called “the big one.” 

This new moon/Solar Eclipse is in mystical, oceanic, empathic, compassionate Pisces. Not only the sun and the moon but Neptune, Mercury, the asteroids Chiron (wounded healer) and Ceres (Earth mother goddess) and the south node of the moon (the past) are all in Pisces – that’s a lot! And being opposed by Jupiter conjunct the north node (the destined future) just makes it all more expansive and powerful. 

There is a lot of information which I’ve tried to synthesize, and I’ve added some quotes from three of my favorite astrologers to give you an idea of what this eclipse means.

It’s powerful!

Pat Liles writes: This is the month of a solar and then a lunar eclipse bracketing the powerful Sun at Equinox.  It’s one of the biggest astrological months of the year.  We are being reset in a big way to hold more love, to integrate all our past experience that has gone before and forgive any remnants of the past that cling to us.

An eclipse can release monumental amounts of energy. … This eclipse period has the potential to be a great leap forward.

From Lynda Hill:  A total solar eclipse is even more powerful than a new Moon. It is a powerhouse of energies that can bring about change, disruption, the birth of the new and the death of the old … Events that happen in the next month or so can have effects lasting long into the future. …A total solar eclipse is a powerful event, especially one that has the signatures that this one has.

Pam Gregory says: Eclipses are a time when the light and electro-magnetic energy of the sun is temporarily halted and we get rebooted, often to a point further on [in our journey]. Sudden opportunities can move you ahead very quickly… it can be fast moving, exciting.

... This is a really important solar eclipse…A super big new beginning!

It’s mystical

With the double whammy of Pisces and Neptune, you will be more connected to your intuition, imagination, dreams, creativity, higher consciousness in general. So spend time connecting within.

Use your creative  imagination to form the visions of what you want to create, for the energy fueling your visions will be amplified.

The mystical impulse of Pisces is to merge with the higher realms and surrender to a higher intelligence. Work with your higher awareness and pay attention to your guidance.

It is a time for healing

The close involvement of Chiron, the wounded healer, makes this an opportune time for deep healing. In particular, pay attention to the stories you tell yourself, your inner dialogue, your unchallenged beliefs – and challenge them.

Chiron, half man, half horse, can bring us wholeness and unite the parts of our nature. He is also conjunct the south node of the past, so there may be ghosts emerging that need to be dealt with. Do so – that will allow you to move forward.There is an opportunity not only for healing of wounds, but for karmic completion, which sets the stage for evolutionary leaps. Beware of Pisces’ desire to escape and avoid this “shadow” work.

It’s a time for letting go

Because the south node (representing the past) is part of this eclipse, this is a perfect time to let go of things from the past: physical possessions, habits, environments, old ways of being,  beliefs… whatever has been outgrown and needs to be cleared to make space for the new. Also, the heightened sensitivity of Pisces may cause you to choose to associate with people who are more on your vibrational wavelength, and part ways with those who aren’t.

Apparently, letting go of some of the old is a very strong message of this solar eclipse. 

It’s a time for inspiration

Linda Hill: With Jupiter conjuncting the Moon’s north node [our destined future], we may feel a need to get going, to get in the race, to travel, to grab life by the horns, to take a risk, to step out of our usual comfort zone.

Pam Gregory:  We may be getting sudden insights, perceptions, revelations, so we can suddenly view things in a different way, see ways of doing old things in a new way. There’s a liberating, strong sense of newness.

It’s a time for fulfillment of destiny

With the opposition of the past and the destined future, the expansiveness of Jupiter bringing in the new and the Piscean access to higher realms, and the jet propulsion of the eclipse itself, which is about new beginning, re-setting our lives and leaping us forward, there is a strong sense of destiny about this powerful cosmic event.  

Pam Gregory: It’s like we’re being jumped forward or swept along towards our destiny at this big new beginning. 

Pat Liles:  Our intentions now can have humongous power behind them and blast us forward on our evolutionary path.  (Always use what you’ve got to further your intentions and what we’ve got is an expansive eclipse window!) 

Are you excited too? Don’t forget, the effects of this eclipse will be lasting. It can shift our trajectory and the speed of our ascension.
At the same time, don’t forget to set your intentions, the same as you would for any new moon.  I hope I’ve given you some ideas of where to focus.

I am indebted to the following astrologers:
Pat Liles (in 
Pam Gregory, whose videos I love watching ( 
Lynda HIll (
And thanks to visionary author Nicolya Christi for bringing the magnitude of this event and Lynda Hill to my attention. 


Solar Eclipse – Huge Transformative Energies 3/8/16 — 2 Comments

  1. I have struggled with the pain of other people’s bad behavior and this week is no exception . With my life and business under attack to study this information was both healing and thoughtful. I feel the blocks tumbling down and the ability to move forward differently . Bless and thank you.

    • Hi Cyd – Thank you for commenting. I’m sorry you’ve been experiencing difficulties and am glad this information was helpful to you.


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