Do you know that wonderful Leonard Cohen song – the one where he says, “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”?
Now look at the image above, of the egg, full of cracks.
Instead of letting the light in, in this case, it’s how the light gets OUT!
The paradox is that we are being called to be grateful not just for the things we think of as “good, fortunate, pleasurable.” Not just for our successes and joys..
No, from the perspective of the soul, we should be grateful for ALL our experiences – including the cracks in our lives, and in the world.Each of those “cracks” is here for a reason, to develop our deepest capacities for love, joy, courage, strength, and compassion. They are not mistakes. We didn’t do anything wrong .As souls on an amazing journey of development and evolution, expansion and contribution, we are supposed to participate in the full spectrum of life experience. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be incarnated at this time.
The wonderful secret is this: As we embrace this truth and open to our experience with acceptance and gratitude, we flow into alignment more and more with the frequency of our Higher Self. We come into resonance with our purpose. We start to know who we truly are.