New Moon in Aries – 2014

Screen shot 2014-New Moon BlueAs you may know, I have decided to set New Moon intentions this year as an experiment. It’s one way of inviting the support of universal forces.

The new moon has traditionally been viewed as a time for planting – whether it’s crops or visions. What’s unique about this “prayer” method is that your wishes must correspond to the sign of the zodiac of that new moon, to take advantage of the specific energies. This is a great discipline.

THIS NEW MOON occurs on Sunday, March 30th, at 10:26 a.m. Pacific, 1:26 p.m. Eastern, 5:36 p.m. GMT. (But you have 48 hours to plant your wishes.)This new moon will be very dynamic, exciting, bold, and initiatory as it’s in Aries, the first sign in the Zodiac, and the one that denotes new beginnings, independence, self-discovery, authenticity, and courage.

What better time to plant seeds for ANY new project? But especially ones that call for courage, daring, a leap into the unknown with both feet – and that are close to your heart and express the essence of who you are? If you have been sitting on some cherished dream because you’re afraid of what others might think – this is the time to go for it!

The areas to focus on when setting intentions for this new moon (regarding what you desire or want help with in any way) include:

  • new beginnings, initiating, high energy and vitality, taking action, blazing new trails, not being afraid of being first or different;
  • strengthening the self, assertiveness, self-love and acceptance, asking for what you need, clear boundaries, not deferring to others;
  • innocence, honesty, authenticity, straightforwardness, expressing the true you;
  • creative self-discovery, exploring new paths, taking risks, eagerness, joy in discovery;
  • independence, self-direction, self-reliance, autonomy, self-sufficiency, trusting yourself, not comparing, not fearing other’s opinions;
  • courage, leadership, “warrior” nature, strength, boldness, confidence, trusting and acting on one’s impulse;
  • combatting self-absorption, selfishness, disregard for others, vanity, anger, impatience,
  • Health concerns include skin, face, head, brain, eyes, headaches and dizziness.
That’s a powerful list. See which topics resonate with you or relate to particular needs or issues you’re working with now in your life.

Here are some tips for how to use the New Moon energy to plant effective wishes/ intentions/ visions:

1. Write them by hand. (You might want to keep a New Moon Magic journal – that’s what I’m doing. Or you could write them on cards and keep them in a drawer.)

2. Choose more than one but no more than ten wishes or intentions (to activate but not dissipate the energy).

3. Wait until the actual New Moon time or 8 hours after (between 1:36  and 9:36 p.m. Eastern, on March 30th) or within 48 hours after that (through Tuesday, April 1st around 1:30 p.m. ET). Let the wishes form and choose the ones that feel most harmonious and right to you at that time.

4. In phrasing your intentions feel free to say “I choose, I intend, I create, I wish or want to experience, I request, I ask for, I call to me……” or any language that feels right to you.

5. Light a candle (optional). It’s been suggested that adding a prayer candle – maybe one of those tall ones in a jar – and letting it burn down would add focus to this ritual.

For the purposes of this “experiment,” keeping our written intentions where we can refer back to them later, to see which actually came true, is part of the point. That’s what makes it an experiment. It’s also fun to do this together.

Exciting news:  I have created a NEW MOON MAGIC FACEBOOK PAGE for sharing our New Moon Intentions. Please click on above link to join me there – and click “Join group” in upper right corner if you want to join.

The energies in 2014 are intense, and not always easy – but they are supporting our transformation. This is one of the transitional years and what we do in this time is very important.

In particular, this coming month of April, 2014 will be extremely intense and will create many opportunities for transformation and powerful action. Make the most of it – and stay balanced! 

Wishing you a rich and fertile planting of seeds in this New Moon!

(If you want to receive free monthly New Moon updates, CLICK HERE. )


New Moon in Aries – 2014 — 1 Comment

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