It’s REBIRTH time with Aries New Moon!

New MoonAfter all the intensity of the past few months, solar and lunar eclipses, equinox, and a lot of tumultuous energies, we can breathe a sigh of relief as we simply LEAP into new life with the clear forward momentum of Aries.

As the first sign of the Zodiac,
Aries is for some the true beginning of the year and has the energy of rebirth.

Aries is fire, a warrior, all about dynamic action, initiation, courage, independence, authenticity, pioneering enterprise.

This is truly the sign of the entrepreneur if any sign is.

Aries is known for loving to start new things, but being less good at follow-through and completion, which is also true of many of us creative visionaries. But this month the leaping of Aries the ram will be balanced by the more grounded and steady energy from Mars (the planetary ruler of Aries) being in Taurus, the bull.

So the ideas you come up with this month you WILL be able to ground and bring to fruition. You will be able to stick with your inspired initiatives and manifest your dreams. Take advantage of this.

This Aries new moon is a perfect time to plant seeds that call for courage, daring, a leap into the unknown with both feet – and that are close to your heart and express the essence of who you are.

If you have been sitting on some cherished dream – this is the time to go for it! The Universe will support you.This is a great time to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. That is Aries‘ nature.

This coming New Moon in Aries:
 Saturday, April 18th at 11:56 a.m. Pacific, 2:56 p.m. Eastern, 6:56 p.m. GMT. (The intentions are best set around that time, or within 8 hours after, but within the next two days is fine.)

The areas to focus on when setting intentions include:

  • New Beginnings Start new initiatives, take action, blaze new trails, follow your impulse. Don’t be afraid of being first or different, don’t be afraid of failure or success. It’s great to be a pioneer. This is a time of fresh start and rebirth. It’s a perfect time to start a new business, project, or life path.
  • InnocenceExpress your innocence, honesty, directness, authenticity. Express the true you, there is a pure positive energy you can trust.
  • Exploration Explore new paths, take risks, follow your joy in creative self-discovery. Follow your own truth and forge ahead. Pursue inspired ideas for new projects. You will be successful if you don’t fear.
  • Independence Be independent, self-reliant, autonomous. Trust yourself, don’t compare or fear other’s opinions. You do not need external validation. Do what you love and value.
  • Self-Assertion Dare to be assertive, ask for what you need, hold clear boundaries. There’s no need to defer to others – be bold.
  • Courage Rejoice in your courage, leadership, “warrior” nature, strength, boldness, confidence. Trust and act on your impulses.
  • Combat Self-Absorption – Notice tendencies for selfishness, disregard for others, vanity, anger, impatience. It’s not all about you. 
  • For health it concerns skin, face, head, brain, eyes, headaches and dizziness.
Here are some tips for how to use the New Moon energy to plant effective wishes/ intentions/ visions:

1. Write them by hand. (You might want to keep a New Moon Magic journal – that’s what I’m doing. Or you could write them on cards and keep them in a drawer.)

2. Choose more than one but no more than ten wishes or intentions. (To activate but not dissipate the energy.)

3. Wait until the actual New Moon time or 8 hours after (between 2:56 p.m. and 10:56 p.m. Eastern, on April 18th) or within 48 hours after that (through Monday, April 20th around 2:56 p.m. ET). Let the wishes form and choose the ones that feel most harmonious and right to you at that time. 

4. In phrasing your intentions feel free to use words such as “I choose, I intend, I create, I wish or want to experience, I request, I ask for, I call to me…..”  One good choice is “I accept these things — or something better — into my life now, for my highest good, and for the highest good of all concerned.” And then list what you want in the present tense. 

5. You might want to say them out loud after you write them down.

6. Some recommend lighting a candle. Or picture the paper you’ve written your list on irradiated by light burning away all anxiety around your desires. 

Keeping our written intentions where we can refer back to them later, to see which actually came true, is part of this experiment. It’s also advisable to keep your intentions in mind, especially as the Full Moon approaches, the time for action. These intentions will also be powerful to review at the end of the year!

I have also created a
for sharing our New Moon Intentions, if you’d like to do that.

Please click on above link to join me there – and click “Join group” in upper right corner if you want to join.



It’s REBIRTH time with Aries New Moon! — 3 Comments

    • Hi Sue – Thanks for the comment and for sharing (and for noticing my name). I love “morning gratitudes.” Keep it up. xxTomar

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