Divine Partners


What is Divine Partnership and who is it for?

If you want to… 

~ Discover who you are as a Divine Human;

~ Become a powerful agent for change by partnering with Divine power (your birthright);

~ Learn to craft and launch empowered, effective prayers to help yourself, loved ones, humanity, and the world;

~ Clear and release hidden sources of suffering due to negative energetic interference, karmic wounds, and more;

~ Transform your life by healing trauma from this and past lives; 

~ Contribute to the upliftment and ultimate ascension of humanity…

… I invite you to join me on the adventure of Divine Partnership. 

At this time when the world needs the most help, we humans are mostly looking in the wrong places for solutions. 

Yet a powerful solution is hiding in plain sight.

It has gone out of fashion, even in spiritual circles, to “believe in” or speak of what is sometimes called God.
The “G word” has become taboo.

We speak of “the Universe” and “Spirit” and may offer generic prayers aimed at a vague concept of spiritual support.  We may put our trust in spirit guides or angels, or in our idea of “love and light,” while avoiding the truth of who we truly are as Divine beings and our connection to our ultimate Source and true power.

Even the term “Source” can be used as a euphemism, to avoid looking squarely and directly at the personal nature of the Divine. Maybe because that makes us squirm – if it reminds us of a religion we’ve left behind, or ideas of an authoritarian, judgmental deity, more punishing than loving.

That ‘stern judge’ was a distortion from the beginning, resulting in many turning away from what seems out of date, in favor of a more liberated, egalitarian spirituality in which we can each serve as our own savior on the way to ascension.

This fits our contemporary self-image.
But does it serve us when the chips are down?

A friend asked: “Is it possible to be ‘spiritual but not religious’ and still believe in God?”

The truth is, the Divine Source is available to us at all times, within our own consciousness. And the invitation is always open for us to engage in a living partnership, without reference to religious nomenclature or historical baggage.

What we are talking about is a fresh and pure connection to our own spiritual lifeline.

We are speaking of a two-way connection that can transform your life, when you reach out to a reality that is both personal and impersonal, both intimate and infinite.

How can we do this?

Through informed and empowered prayer and prayer-based healing we can easily access this dynamic partnership and change our lives and the world for the better.

We can reclaim our birthright as Divine Humans who have the authority to direct Divine power through our own intentions, our own thoughts, our own words, our own voice.

We are not meant to be powerless victims of circumstance, but powerful leaders within our own realm. Yet, paradoxically, we can only access that power in partnership with our  Divine team. For although as Light Beings (between lifetimes) we are vast and powerful, as physical humans on Earth we are cut off from most of our power – despite what we wish were true.

And yes, it is possible to have a clear two-way communication with Divine beings, including Source Creator itself.

I can attest to that from my own personal experience, spanning forty years! 

Our mission now is to say yes to Divine Partnership so we can move forward with our sacred task.
It is time for us to
 step into the leadership and responsibility that humanity was designed for, that each of us was born for.

Creator is waiting for us to do that.
We really have no time to waste.

Only we can save and transform our world.
We won’t be rescued by ET’s, angels, or the Divine by itself.
For we must be in command.
We must request and direct whatever it is we wish to see happen.
These are the rules of engagement for the Divine Human Free Will Experiment.
It is up to us, using our own initiative, to make the decisions that will change everything.

It’s not too late to turn things around on Planet Earth – or in your own life.
But we must wake up and remember who we are and why we’re here.

And then we must take the simple action of reaching out for Divine Partnership…,
to become the spiritual warriors we came here to be.


Coming soon:
Free Monthly ‘Divine Healing’ Calls to heal yourself, loved ones, humanity, Gaia, and more.
Classes in “Secrets of Empowered/ Effective Prayer.”
Classes in “Secrets of Safe Channeling.
To get on waiting list for any of these, leave comment HERE.
You can also jumpstart your healing now with an LHP session.