The Five Stepping-Stones to a
Successful Spirit-Led Business
Bridging Heaven & Earth by
Bringing Your Soul’s Light Into the World
If you know you are here to be an agent of change…
If you long to contribute to the new world being born…
If you feel called to be part of the Global Shift taking place…
then you and I are in the same business.
I call that business Bridging Heaven & Earth.
I’m Tomar Levine and I’m passionate about helping the world move into the higher state of consciousness, wholeness, and thriving we all long for.
And I’m passionate about helping YOU play your role. I want you to become the most empowered and effective change-agent you can be.
Because I know the world needs YOUR light, the world needs YOUR gifts!
I’ve looked at what it takes to “Bridge Heaven and Earth,” so you can most easily bring your light into the world.
I’ve found Five Stepping Stones necessary for bringing your light from your highest inspiration all the way down to the physical world where it can help other people.
I’ve put my insights into a 20-page report that you can download for free right here.
Just fill out your information in the form below and you’ll get my report right away in your in-box.
Learn about The Five Stepping Stones for bringing your light down from the higher realms of inspired vision, through your spirit-led business, all the way down to Earth, where it can impact the world and make the difference you were born to make.
1. Connecting with Heaven
2. Clearing your blocks
3. Creating and Clarifying your Vehicle
4. Courageous inspired Action
5. Coming into your Body
To be an effective change-agent, you need all five of these steps.
The time is now. The world is calling you. And your soul is calling you.
Let’s do it!